
Leadership Confessions with Phil Rose
Explore our award-winning podcast series hosted by our CEO and co-founder.
Hugh Osmond, CEO & Chairman Sun Capital Partners

Serial entrepreneur, Hugh Osmond founded Punch Taverns in '97 which went on to become the UK's large pub group, later floating for £3.5bn. Regularly featured in Sunday newspapers he shares the drive, tenacity and mindset to be an entrepreneur. Definitely worth a listen.

Feb 202135 mins
Ami Silverman, Corporate VP Worldwide Sales & Marketing Consumer and Devices at Microsoft

From her first job at 16 and her first retail store manager role at 19, Ami shares her leadership mentors and her challenges in managing crisis at both LA riots and 9-11. She reveals what high performance looks like to her along with her own leadership strengths and development opportunities in managing Microsoft’s worldwide consumer business.

Jan 202134 mins
Jatinder Harchowal MBE, Chief Pharmacist of Royal Marsden

Engaging podcast from the Chief Pharmacist of Royal Marsden awarded an MBE for his work at London Nightingale. He shares stories of being part of the Nightingale team whilst personally contracting Covid-19.

Jan 202140 mins
Lee Newman, Group CEO of VPS

Revealing podcast from a former British Athlete who, post retirement with no qualifications started life at PC World. 18 years on he’s had a meteoric rise to Group CEO, overcome imposter syndrome and actively seeks difficult circumstances to give him a competitive edge.

40 mins